To ponder upon the origins of smoking is an intriguing endeavor indeed. The annals of tobacco smoking are invariably intertwined with the famed voyager, Christopher Columbus. It was Columbus who unveiled the charm of tobacco to Europe, a treasure as fascinating to the Spanish sailors as the lure of gold, introduced to them by the indigenous populace. The narrative of smoking is truly monumental. The genesis of tobacco cultivation is traced back to Central America around 6,000 BC. The Native Americans, several centuries prior to Columbus's famed discovery, indulged in the practice of smoking pipes laden with leaves, while also partaking in the chewing of tobacco.
Over time, the medical community began to acknowledge the harmful implications of smoking. With an increase in disease prevalence and cases of tobacco poisoning, the scientific community worldwide commenced in-depth studies into the repercussions of smoking, yielding some disconcerting conclusions.
The undeniable detriments of smoking didn't go unnoticed
for long. Both the authorities and the church began an aggressive campaign against smoking. Smokers were not only subjected to punishment but also met with gruesome executions and grisly
fates such as impalement and being walled up.
A mistaken faith in the therapeutic properties of tobacco initially popularized the plant. Simultaneously, a vehement anti-tobacco movement began to coalesce, boasting a diverse membership that included scientists, doctors, and public figures.
The birth of smoke-infuse culture
The Mayan and Aztec priests held smoking in such high regard that
it was elevated to a form of worship. Tobacco was revered as the
plant of the "male spirits", revered patrons of warriors and hunters. Tobacco juice was consumed with the belief hat it instilled strength, anger, and fearlessness in warriors. Native Americans brewed potions, crafted

Christopher Columbus
tointments, anddeployed the plant for various medicinal uses. The religious rituals often entailedthe smoking of idols by priests. Smoking pipes laden with tobacco was a privilege accorded to shamans and tribal chiefs.
The epicenter of smoking can be traced back to Central America. The pioneering Europeans who not only adopted but promoted the consumption of tobacco were the Spaniards. Their expansive trade
A smoke-stepped journey to the old world
network was instrumental in introducing the twentieth-century "scourge"
to various countries. A mere century post the discovery of the New
World, tobacco cultivation had already made its debut on plantations in Spain, England, and Italy.

A puff of smoke in the Russian winds
The Russian narrative of smoking initiated in the 16th century, thanks to English
merchants during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Although smoking had a short-
lived popularity in Russia, Tsar Mikhail Romanov proscribed all forms of the
habit. A severe fire in 1634 that left almost all of Moscow in cinders led to the
enforcement of even more stringent measures, even up to the death penalty.
The smoke of prohibition cleared under the reign of Peter I, an avid smoker
himself. He greenlit the sale of tobacco, spurred the establishment of
tobacco factories. Snuff enjoyed tremendous popularity in Russia initially,
and later, pipe and cigar smoking became the vogue. Consequently,
smoking in Russia metamorphosed into a lucrative enterprise for traders,
injecting substantial funds into the state treasury. The tobacco industry was in
its heyday.
By the onset of the 20th century, the smoker population had seen an exponential increase. Smoking had become a defining trait of renowned actors and politicians. However, around the same time, scientific findings highlighting the detrimental effects of smoking began to gain more exposure. During the 1980s, Europe and the USA implemented tax hikes on tobacco products, and television advertising for tobacco was banned, signaling a shift in
global attitudes towards smoking.
Peter First the Great

✔ Papirosa tubes are made of natural raw rolling paper with no-glue technology, and that is one of main differences prerolled papirosa tubes from regular filter sleeves and raw cones.
✔ The papirosa tubes diameter is 8 mm, length is from 107 to 157 mm (King Size tobacco tubes; the telescopic design allows you to adjust the length).
✔ Papirosa cigarette tubes have protection from getting tobacco into your
mouth in form of 6 bent teeth inside the cigarette holder.
✔ Raw tissue paper of papirosa tubes does not contain saltpeter; therefore
the joint tend to fade out after stopping the intake of smoke.
✔ The papirosa tubes have a long cigarette holder that
cools smoke well.
✔ Easy to stuff tobacco how you want: manually or with
a filling machine.
✔Traditions from XIX-th century.

Throughout history, significant events have left their mark on humanity. For instance, World
War II, a dark period in our past, resulted in the tragic death of an estimated 50 to 80 million people. These numbers are certainly chilling. However, another figure might be even more unsettling.
According to the World Health Organization's statistics, smoking claims the lives of approximately 7 million individuals annually. This count encompasses both diseases directly linked to smoking and incidents like fires ignited by cigarettes. Despite the wide accessibility of such alarming information, many individuals remain unswayed and cling to their detrimental habits. Often, a smoker's mindset can be summarized by the defense mechanism, "It won't happen to me." Unfortunately, this mindset can be a delusion. Adverse health impacts can manifest much earlier than old age.
The root of smoking-related illnesses lies in the myriad toxic compounds found in cigarette smoke. When a cigarette is lit, around 4,000 distinct compounds are produced. Some of these are classified as carcinogens, posing significant health risks. Key components of tobacco smoke include:
Carbon monoxide
Carbon dioxide
Hydrogen cyanide
Lung Cancer Smoking exposes individuals to a myriad of health issues. A noteworthy example is the onset of asthma in those who might have led a healthy life had they not lit up their first cigarette. So, what are the predominant diseases linked to smoking as identified by healthcare professionals? Topping the list is lung cancer. Currently, smokers account for about 90% of lung cancer cases. Early symptoms are often dismissed as they appear benign:
Slight hoarseness that comes and goes
Dry cough
Wheezing during breathing
Minor temperature spikes, primarily in the evenings
Shortness of breath
Weight loss
Most patients at this initial stage are prone to overlooking the disease's severity. As the tumor advances, symptoms exacerbate, leading to chest pain, severe cough with phlegm production, potential swallowing difficulties, and swollen lymph nodes near the collarbone. Regrettably, most patients are diagnosed only at the 3rd or 4th stage of the disease. While treatments are available, the chances of a favorable outcome are significantly slim.
Laryngeal Cancer This form of cancer is predominantly linked to cigarette smoking and is more prevalent among men, with women less frequently affected. Indicators of the disease's initial phase include:
Persistent hoarseness
Pain during swallowing
Sensation of a foreign body in the throat
Decreased appetite
Diminished vitality
Constant fatigue
Metastasis, or the spread of cancer cells, happens rapidly, making early detection crucial. In approximately 25% of cases, by the time treatment commences, the tumor has already affected other parts of the larynx. Patient survival rates hinge largely on the stage at which treatment was initiated.
In addition to these gases, the smoke also contains particles of heavy metals, such as lead. Over time, these compounds accumulate within the body, triggering various diseases.
Underlying causes of diseases from smoking
Emphysema Emphysema is a potentially severe lung condition. While not directly caused by smoking, smokers fall into a high-risk category. The disease is particularly perilous for those suffering from chronic bronchitis or asthma. Emphysema results in the lung tissue gradually losing its elasticity, preventing the full expulsion of air from the lungs. Without proper treatment, or in its absence, emphysema can eventually disrupt heart functions.
One of the health concerns attributed to smoking is gastritis. While numerous factors can provoke digestive disorders like gastritis, smoking remains a significant one. Gastritis frequently emerges due to dietary mismanagement, incorrect meal choices, and stress. Recent findings also indicate that specific microorganisms residing in the mucous membrane can cause this disease. Nicotine further aggravates the problem. This alkaloid speeds up the synthesis of hydrochloric acid in the body. The carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke binds with hemoglobin 300 times faster than oxygen does, leading to oxygen starvation in various cells and tissues. This oxygen deprivation results in morphological changes in the stomach lining, promoting the proliferation of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. The consequence is inflammation, accompanied by sharp pains and heartburn. Even for those already diagnosed with gastritis, quitting smoking is crucial as continued exposure worsens the condition, potentially leading to gastric ulcers.
Gastric ailments and smoking
Cardiovascular diseases and smoking
There is a direct connection between smoking and heart diseases. As mentioned earlier, tobacco smoke contains a high concentration of carbon monoxide. This gas thickens the blood by binding with hemoglobin, forcing the heart to work harder to pump it throughout the body. Oxygen deprivation and diminished lung functionality also have detrimental effects. These adverse conditions can trigger pathological alterations in the heart, and in some instances, even lead to the smoker's death. Medical professionals assert that for men with a tobacco addiction, the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases multiplies 10-15 times compared to non-smokers. Smoking escalates the likelihood of several ailments, including myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, and aortic aneurysm. It's vital to recognize two patterns: Firstly, the risk of disease is directly proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked. Secondly, smoking flavored cigarettes, like menthols, further increases the risk of heart attacks. While these additives might lessen bronchial irritation and reduce coughing, they place additional strain on the heart.
The implications of additives in cigarettes
When analyzing the impact of cigarettes on health, the type of cigarette matters. For instance, cigarettes with flavor additives, like menthol, are particularly concerning. These additives may alleviate bronchial irritation, reducing the frequency of coughs. However, they impose a double burden on the heart, potentially increasing the risks associated with smoking.
Impotence and smoking
Erectile dysfunction can have a myriad of causes, from stress and chronic fatigue to the pressures of a fast-paced life. Smoking, however, is a leading factor, exerting its influence in multiple ways. Firstly, nicotine progressively diminishes the male body's testosterone production. As a result, there's a drop in libido and a decreased attraction to the opposite sex. This decline in sexual drive and capability can significantly affect a person's quality of life and self-esteem.
It's clear that the adverse effects of smoking are multi-faceted, impacting various systems within the body. From the digestive to the cardiovascular system, and even the reproductive system, the hazards are pervasive. Making informed choices and understanding these risks is paramount for health and longevity.
Vascular impact of cigarettes
Secondly, the detrimental effects of cigarettes on blood vessels are noteworthy. They considerably compromise vascular integrity and reduce blood flow. U.S. researchers have determined that men who smoke around 20 cigarettes daily for a decade face severe sexual health issues in their 40s and beyond in 60% of cases. For many, the onset of impotence occurs even earlier.
The lingering threat post-cessation
Secondly, the detrimental effects of cigarettes on blood vessels are noteworthy. They considerably compromise vascular integrity and reduce blood flow. U.S. researchers have determined that men who smoke around 20 cigarettes daily for a decade face severe sexual health issues in their 40s and beyond in 60% of cases. For many, the onset of impotence occurs even earlier.


What can you smoke if there are no cigarettes? This question is incomprehensible to a non-smoker, it sounds like a desperate plea from a habitual smoker. Naturally, no one is immune from situations when you find yourself without a smoke far from home. After some time following a forced refusal to smoke, cravings start, and a person is ready to smoke anything.
What can you smoke instead of tobacco, and in a way that is enjoyable? Various things have been tried for smoking in unexpected circumstances, and one can try to summarize such experiences.
The essence of the problem
What is the problem of the absence of cigarettes for a smoker? It is established that nicotine is one of the substances that causes human body dependence. As a result, after many years of smoking, a person develops a nicotine addiction.
In a situation where he suddenly finds himself without tobacco, painful and unpleasant manifestations of such dependence occur just a few hours later. Symptoms may include irritability, dizziness, nausea, and a state of stress.
An irresistible desire to smoke a cigarette arises, and when there isn't one, the quest for a solution to the question of what one can smoke instead of cigarettes begins. Is it possible to find a way out of this situation? There are two possible paths in this direction: measures to distract from smoking and imitation of a cigarette. In an attempt to provide the illusion of smoking, one has to forget about nicotine, but smoke can accomplish this task. However, it should be noted that tobacco is not used for centuries for nothing: in addition to nicotine, it smolders slowly, releasing a relatively soft smoke with a characteristic flavor and smell.
The first thing that comes to mind in the absence of tobacco is to smoke dry herbs. This approach is quite logical, but not every plant can be used. First, the shredded material should not burn, but should smolder slowly. Secondly, the smoke from different herbs is completely different in its effects: it can act very aggressively on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, irritate the nose and eyes, causing severe coughing and tearing.
Finally, the aftertaste in the mouth can be such that even a habitual smoker cannot stand it. Therefore, when choosing a temporary substitute for tobacco, one should consider the gentleness of the smoke's impact on the mucous membranes, the presence of a more or less decent taste and smell, and the absence of harmful substances in the smoke.
What can be smoked
Naturally, the choice of a tobacco substitute depends on the circumstances in which a person finds himself: nature, apartment, countryside, i.e., the availability of a range of plant-based substances. Judging by numerous reviews and recommendations from seasoned smokers, the following cigarette substitutes have been tried in practice:
Tea. This is the first thing that catches the eye and inspires a certain degree of trust. In the conditions of a city apartment, tea can be the only real possibility to trick the smoker's body. In principle, you can smoke both black and green tea, but green varieties are more suitable because they have fewer additives. An important condition: do not take deep drags, otherwise, the tea smoke will cause a severe cough. You should also not use the tea in bags - it is tolerated by the body the worst.
The best combination of smoking imitation and decent smell with low smoke aggressiveness can be achieved by smoldering herbs such as mint, lemon balm, catnip, and thyme. You will need the dry leaves of these herbs, and they should not be turned into dust, just slightly crushed. You can wrap this "tobacco" in thin paper or a leaf of grass (more robust than other leaves). Smoking these herbs produces a bitter smoke, which will distract from thoughts of cigarettes for a while and reduce withdrawal symptoms. However, keep in mind that excessive indulgence in this type of smoking can cause gastrointestinal upset.
Clove. In domestic conditions, if you have this spice, you can try to stuff it into a homemade cigarette.
Clove smoke has a pretty pleasant aftertaste and can help the smoker for a while. -
You can use a method that will distract from the desire to smoke, causing disgust. In this case, you can smoke herbs such as hawthorn or coltsfoot. Many people keep them at home for medicinal purposes
(pharmacy version), so they are quite accessible. The smoke from these plants has a very bitter taste, which can cause nausea, thus providing a repulsion to smoking.
They have a characteristic bitter taste, which can replace tobacco for a while. This method is absolutely harmless. Of course, you can try to find a substitute for tobacco in the absence of cigarettes and deceive and calm the body for a while, and then continue to succumb to the harmful habit again.